[課程] Roncati 非手術牙周課程

Marisa Roncati Profile-feat

課程:Marisa Roncati Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy  🇮🇹 🇹🇼

– 雷射輔助非手術牙周、及非手術植體周圍炎治療詳細解說
– 哈佛牙醫CLS課程/MCA國際講師 Marisa Roncati 親自授課
– 課程包含水雷射及二極體雷射與Hands-On實際操作

地點:台北六福萬怡酒店 9F 水晶雲廳(高鐵南港站)
講師:國際講師 Marisa Roncati、莊邦寧醫師
台北場報名:台北場傳送門 ✈️✈️ LINK
莊邦寧 醫師

地點:台中金典酒店 13F 梅花1廳
講師:國際講師 Marisa Roncati、陳俊呈醫師、林秋男醫師
台中場報名:台中場傳送門 🚀🚀 LINK
陳俊呈 醫師    林秋男 醫師

👀 點我看MCA學會介紹 Master Class Academy
聯絡電話:04-2278-8832 劉小姐
課程費用:20,000元(3/15 前報名享早鳥優惠 18,000元
*課程費用包含Hands-on實作、午餐、茶點、MCA上課證書及學分、並贈價值NT$ 5,500 Marisa Roncati – The Diode Laser 教學DVD (中文字幕)。


Marisa Roncati Non Surgical Periodontal Therapy - 0422台北 Leaflet Feat 莊邦寧


Marisa Roncati Non Surgical Periodontal Therapy - 0423台中 Leaflet Feat 陳俊呈_林秋男

Marisa Roncati , BS, RDH, DDS
Dental Degree, Ferrara University, Italy.
Registered Dental Hygienist, Forsyth School, Boston, U.S.A.,
Bachelor Degree in Art Science, Bologna University, Italy.
Assistant Professor: Master of Prosthesis and Implantology, Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna University; European Master Degree on Oral Laser Applications, Parma University and Rome University, and Master Degree in Oral Surgery and Pathology, Parma University.

Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy – Indications, Limits and Clinical Protocols with the Adjunctive Use of Diode Laser
Quintessence 出版
Book Non Surgical Periodontal Therapy - Roncati

The Diode Laser DVD(中文字幕) – A step by step operative technique video indications protocols and clinical cases with follow-up
Tueor 出版
The Diode Laser A Step by Step Operative Technique Video - Roncati

Get Sharp – Nonsurgical Periodontal Instrument Sharpening
QP Italy 出版
Get Sharp-Marisa Roncati