[課程] 口整雷 雷射專科醫師實作班


– Laser Assisted Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy (Roncati)* Hands-on實作練習
– 課程包含水雷射及二極體雷射(一人一機),及常見臨床應用
– 12人小班制雷射專科醫師課程
* 雷射輔助非手術牙周治療 (Roncati)

地點:中山醫學大學口腔醫學大樓 4F實作教室
報名方式:傳送門 ✈️✈️ LINK

陳俊呈  林秋男  吳宜亭

👀 點我看 -> 台灣口腔雷射暨整體醫學會
聯絡電話:0989-239608 學會秘書 吳小姐



Dr. Stefano Benedicenti 學經歷

– Associate Professor in Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics at the University of Genova (Italy)
– Dean of the laser department center of the University of Genova
– President of the European Master Course in “Laser Dentistry”
– Founding member of IAHT (International Academy of High Tech)
– Author and co-author of 80 publications in National and International Journals and three books in the field of laser dentistry

教科書 Photo Bio-Modulation Extract by Stefano Benedicenti (Atlas of Laser Therapy 精裝版,英文)
2023_PhotoBioModulation(EN)_精裝_Benedicenti-1 2023_PhotoBioModulation(EN)_精裝_Benedicenti-3 2023_PhotoBioModulation(EN)_精裝_Benedicenti-2

教科書 Atlas of Laser Therapy 4th Edition by Alberico Benedicenti, Stefano Benedicenti (英文)

Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy – Indications, Limits and Clinical Protocols with the Adjunctive Use of Diode Laser
Quintessence 出版
Book Non Surgical Periodontal Therapy - Roncati

The Diode Laser DVD(中文字幕) – A step by step operative technique video indications protocols and clinical cases with follow-up
Tueor 出版
The Diode Laser A Step by Step Operative Technique Video - Roncati